Monday 3 March 2014

Get A Camera

Decided I go out for a walk and photograph everything that interested me. In doing this you find the unexpected. Its a great thing to do, at any given moment these photos could be used in your projects. I personally do it for idea boosters and starting points for myself. There's a whole lot of world out there that hasn't been seen by my eyes and by just snapping some of the everyday things i walk past has made me realise that.


Its the seasons of mushrooms or so it seems. I've been seeing them every where lately and there all so very different too! Have no idea what this type of mushroom is but it seems to be the most occurring one in gardens lately. Absolutely love these little weird shaped fungus' so beautifully weird. It's brilliant, I love them. Keep an eye out for them, they could be a huge inspiration for your next project or an idea to sketch something soon. Personally I look at mushrooms as an thing from another world, there so mysterious and all of them have such depth and detail inside them. 

Wales '14

Me and my other half went away to Wales for a few days last week. We were lucky enough to have good weather and were able to go out and photograph a new place everyday. Being able to escape from everything and get away was such a relief for the two of us, we were able to relax for once. New Quay West Wales has so much to explore. From the Devils Bridge, to the New Quay Harbor wall. You could even take a half hour drive to Cardigon to visit the sweet shop Yum Yum, which we did visit and yes it took me hours to decide what sweets I wanted from there. Who could blame me with sweets from floor to ceiling. 

 Although we were supposed to be relaxing the two of us didn't go leave the house without a camera or a beach towel. I personally love being near water, it's so peaceful. Smelling the fresh sea water, hearing the seagulls every morning when you wake up and watching the waves crash against the rocks and harbor wall, nothing could beat anything like this. Of course while we were away we had chips and fishcake, as well as an ice cream each. The weather may have been nice and sunny but taking a cheeky dip into the sea in February wasn't the best idea either of us have had.

Friday 17 January 2014

Wire heads

During my time at college in first year, we created self portrait wire heads. This created a slight problem and a new challenge for me to over come. Developing my 3D sculpture to a further level, improving myself for later projects was a huge skill booster.

A useful site I recently found which inspired me was

Sunday 29 December 2013


We've had our ups and downs, need any more be said?
I love the fact that being an art student can give you the freedom to become the person you want to be. No restrictions and no explanations, you can create and become the person you wish to be. Along the way you get to figure out what works for you and what doesn't. You learn what your style is and get to accept the other different techniques and explore your skills more.

That goes for people in your life as well, I've lost a a few friends since high school but gained more through college. You learn who stands by you and who simply walks in your life to walk out again. Saying that these are some of the photos I  have from being in a empty room with a photocopier and friends.
Everyone finds their click with that special someone in the end.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

If your body is your temple, why not not decorate the walls?

Art finally on me, I'm so happy about this! The first of many I like to think. Its Marilyn Manson's spiral heart logo, which he himself has tattooed on his left wrist. Not only have I got this tattoo for the fact of it being a symbol of Mansons but it has its own meaning too. There's no way of really explaining the spiral heart other than saying it means crazy uncontrollable love. Experiencing that and knowing the feeling of it yourself is the only way to explain the meaning of the tattoo. I love the fact I now finally have a tattoo, I've been wanting one since I was about 12.
This will be the first of many, fingers crossed. I have many plans for placing art onto my body. Every mark that I will have inked on my skin will tell a story for sure.

Monday 14 October 2013

Day To Day

Crazy things that you come across everyday. Glitter on the floor whist on a walk. Whats its purpose? I have no idea but it looked wonderful on the dull floor and brighten my day. Things like these can inspire you for your next project or unit, don't ignore it, use it.